So, my friends with pets - -
Please forgive a sort of a commercial interruption, but: I've been considering trying my hand at a new career/vocation/who knows what: pet portraits. It's been a bit of a while since I've drawn much, but it's coming back - but, because of its newness (re-newness) and because I'm just getting started, I thought I'd bug you, my friends with pets.
Here's the deal. Christmas is coming, as you might have noticed... What I'm thinking is, if a couple of you might like an extra Christmas (holiday) (no offense intended) gift, I would love to give it a shot. Free. For the first couple of people I hear from, that is. The way I see it going, as a test run, would be: send me a bunch of pictures of your cat/dog/horse/rabbit (I have a feeling I'm best with fuzzy things, but then again I've never drawn any non-fuzzies, as far as I remember...), along with what you might like to see in a picture that doesn't necessarily show up in the picture (for example, something that might involve incorporating bits of a couple of pictures), and what size you might like, and I'll get to work.
I use pencil on colored paper: graphite and white charcoal. To get an idea of what I'm talking about, I have some older drawings on my blog.
As I said, the first couple of people I hear from (if any...:P) will get free portraits - - on the condition that it's okay for me to use the final image to shill for er, to demonstrate my ability, on my blog and maybe, if I figure out what I'm doing, on Etsy.
I haven't worked out what I'll charge if and when I get to that point; first I want to make sure I can do it to the satisfaction of anyone besides, you know, my mom.
Whaddya think? I'll be checking comments regularly, or feel free to email me: talavera1809 at hotmail dot com.
We now return you to your regular bookish programming.
/ I call it "Buck and Wing". Hee.